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[Discontinued] Vox Amphoneac30 Active Guitar Headphones

discontinued vox amphoneac30 active guitar headphones

[DISCONTINUED] VOX AMPHONEAC30 Active Guitar Headphones

  • Headphones with built-in am Plug technology that allows you to obtain AC30 tone immediately
  • Headphones made by Audio-Technica, the trusted name in headphones
  • The headphone amp uses a new reactor circuit that’s based on the Valve Reactor technology featured in Vox amps, delivering incredibly dynamic AC30 tone
  • Totally analog design that faithfully simulates the circuit response of the original amp
  • Faithfully reproduces the classic Vox AC30 tone

Buy Now : [DISCONTINUED] VOX AMPHONEAC30 Active Guitar Headphones

Brand : Vox
Category : Electronics,Headphones, Earbuds & Accessories,Headphones & Earbuds,Over-Ear Headphones
Rating : 4
Price : US $238
Review Count : 361
SalesRank : 0

discontinued vox amphoneac30 active guitar headphones
discontinued vox amphoneac30 active guitar headphones
discontinued vox amphoneac30 active guitar headphones
discontinued vox amphoneac30 active guitar headphones
discontinued vox amphoneac30 active guitar headphones

[DISCONTINUED] VOX AMPHONEAC30 Active Guitar Headphones

  • The headphones are well built, comfortable as it is. But the sound of the connected guitar is poor, you need to get the volume too high to hear the effects. One more thing, there is no list of the effects neither in internet so if you are a beginner you dont really knnow which efffect is what your listening to.
  • The Good : These headphones have a good sound, well for headphones I guess you could even say great. i have not owned an AC30 Vox amp so can\'t compare to the real thing. They are also comfortable on your head & especially so on your ears - the padding is very good.Thats about it for the Good !The Bad : The cable that connects these headphones to your guitar is way too short, it fits but it could have been another 2 feet long to make it more comfortable.The control dials located on the left earphone piece are recessed and impossible to access while wearing them on your head. You have to take them off to alter then - So Make Sure you\'re Wearing a Strap if You\'re playing Sitting Down ! - also the cable ( again ) is connected to the left headphone piece, this means the cable has to go behind you or between you and your guitar.If running it behind you its not comfortable - its too short - if running between you an guitar then it will pull on your headphones as it gets \'caught\' as you lean forward then back.It seems that the technicians that develop things , like headphone amplifiers , arern\'t guitar players themselves because for a right handed guitar player the cable should connect to the right side of the headphone piece. This wouls give an unhindered line from the guitar jack to the headphone ...but obviously thats too simple for the technicians at Vox. (btw it\'s ok for lefties as it is)Overall I said it was okay, just ! For the price its not worth it at all though the Vox Amplug ( which I also have ) is a far better choice, you can use your own digital headphones which are probably heaps longer then the Vox AC30 AGH.So save your money.My advice to Vox ... find some technicians that actually play the guitar !
  • these are awesome! 99 bucks well spent. sounds better that my marshall 15 watt amp for the same price. there are lots of settings to screw with which makes for a very versitile array of noises (which noone can hear but you) . i can get a bluesy sound that is warm and bassy and harmonious or a wicked cruchy palm mute metal sound (that still has clarity to each note) and even the clean setting sounds amazing. the effects are ok so far not great but still fun. the best part is just walking around playing guitar really loud without bothering anyone.Bad side is that the dials are hard to adjust. the effects dial beeps when it is changed but that doesnt matter because its very hard to find the dial while wearing the headphones. effects are chorus, delay and reverb. on the effects dial the chorus is like 1-3 delay 4-7 and reverb 7-10(which is not described in the instruction manual). also they are kinda ugly. they went for a modern-vintage look but achieved niether oh well.So basicly if you buy these you will get amazing sounds pounding thru your sinuses which may cause involuntary orgasm of the acoustic variety but they are not slickly designed.
  • They\'re very nice, but honestly I was hoping something better for $100. First I own 2 acoustic-electric guitars, one with nylon strings and the other one with Bronze strings, I must say that with the nylon strings, you don\'t hear a much difference between the effects, they all sounds the same! With the bronze strings guitar, it sounds better, you can hear the difference between the 3 effects it has. I had the Vox AmPlug, and I sold it to buy this headphones, only because this one has the effects dial. It has the aux Jack just like the amPlug and needs 2 AAA batteries. One big mistake is that this headphones doesn\'t come with a bag or a case. I have a nice pair of American Audio headphones that costed me $30 and they came with a strong bag. So I think that for $100, at least a nice bag would had been better!
  • actually a customer purchased these for me knowing I like to play the guitar. It is convenient for playing quietly at night or sometimes I am just too lazy to turn on my amp and I just grab these and put my guitar on. there is no real reason not to practice and these headphones just make it easier for you to practice and for those who want to say oh I have no time whatever...this one expert was saying basically (effortless mastery guy) play for five minutes every day if that is all you got time for and the mere act of starting to play for five minutes will often times have you playing for half hour or several hours...I took his advice and this is true now I play usually at least an hour a day anyway I recommend the headphones.
  • These headphones are good for practices and fooling around when you want to keep the exterior noise levels down. Great privacy and faster than pulling out and cranking up the amp. It would\'ve gotten a 5 if it was more solidly built and the controls were easier to use (they are very small and hard to reach. I may need to revisit this review after I\'ve had for a while and swapped it between guitars and had some real world experience with it.
  • I wanted to get something really quick and easy for my guitar practice. I initially bought a Vox AmPlug 2 Classic Rock Guitar and I liked it, but soon I broke it by hitting the desk with it as it was sticking out awkwardly placed at the Fender style guitar jack. I google searched by an expression \"the guitar amp that looks like a headphone\" or something alike and found this one instead. I really like this product. It really is great for my guitar practice.
  • Great tones, subtle effects, very simple to use. I\'ll repeat the criticism offered by some others: the controls are minuscule, and cannot be adjusted while wearing the phones (i.e., you can\'t hear tweak the effects and settings while listening). This is a necessary down-side driven by the small size and compact design. Consider it strongly as a limitation if you\'re fussy about your settings and want to make changes on the fly; you might be very frustrated.

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