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V-Moda Crossfade Lp Over-The-Ear Headphones (Gunmetal Black)

v moda crossfade lp over the ear headphones gunmetal black

V-MODA Crossfade LP Over-the-Ear Headphones (Gunmetal Black)

  • 50mm dual-diaphragm drivers provide deep vibrant bass, organic mid-range, and high-end clarity
  • Memory foam ear cushions reduce ambient noise and enable a low bass response
  • Lightweight metal construction lets you listen to your favorite music comfortably for hours
  • Steel frame, flexible memory headband, and detachable Kevlar-reinforced cables for serious durability
  • Includes hard exoskeleton carry case, 69-inch Kevlar-reinforced audio cable, remote/mic cable for compatible devices

Buy Now : V-MODA Crossfade LP Over-the-Ear Headphones (Gunmetal Black)

Brand : V-MODA
Category : Electronics,Headphones, Earbuds & Accessories,Headphones & Earbuds,Over-Ear Headphones
Rating : 4.5
ListPrice : US $249.98
Price : US $221
Review Count : 3716
SalesRank : 0

v moda crossfade lp over the ear headphones gunmetal black
v moda crossfade lp over the ear headphones gunmetal black
v moda crossfade lp over the ear headphones gunmetal black
v moda crossfade lp over the ear headphones gunmetal black
v moda crossfade lp over the ear headphones gunmetal black
v moda crossfade lp over the ear headphones gunmetal black
v moda crossfade lp over the ear headphones gunmetal black
v moda crossfade lp over the ear headphones gunmetal black
v moda crossfade lp over the ear headphones gunmetal black

V-MODA Crossfade LP Over-the-Ear Headphones (Gunmetal Black)

  • I bought these headphones and they were my first over-ear headphone.I first bought the v-moda remix remote in-ear headphones. They were the best in-ear headphones I have ever heard. I was shocked that in-ear headphones could sound this good. I was so impressed with the sound quality of those earbuds that I couldn\'t help but be curious with what their over-ear crossfade LP headphones could possiby offer...So I decided to bite the bullet and spend $109 (including shipping + tax) for a pair of over-ear headphones. The most I have ever spent for headphones. I thought I was crazy at first but kept a open-mind as I read the extremely drastic difference between consumer headphones vs audiophile/high-end headphones.So I\'ve tried them and tested them. I have burned them in for 24 hours so far.Review of sound quality: I don\'t know why so many reviewers claim these headphones to be \"bass heavy\"... To me, they are not at all. They are honestly the most flat response headphones I\'ve ever tried. The sound is very much balanced, clear and pure.I have tried them with classical, classical rock, pop, r&b, club, techno & hip hop. They are suitable for ALL genres. These are NOT beats by dre that are only suitable for rap & bass intensive music.I believe the people claiming these to be bass heavy are likely listening to music where the artist/composer really did intended for the bass and these headphones are simply reproducing faithfully what the track has dictated in the first place. Whereas, their previous headphones were either unable to reproduce accurately the full the bass response the track had dictated and/or their previous headphones are TREBLE HEAVY...Another thing I noticed with so many reviews that claim the bass to be \"heavy\" is that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM mention being able to hear the mids very clearly and the highs being crisp with the all the rest of the music being heard with full detail.I hope they realize that it is a technical impossibility for headphones to be bass bias while reproducing the mids crystal clear and the highs crisp with full details of all the rest of the music reproduced accurately. Again, I believe this to simply be case of their previous headphones unable to reproduce faithfully the full bass and/or their previous headphones are treble heavy.As for my own humble opinion of whether they are \"bass heavy\" or not is a BIG NO!...I have tried these headphones with several tracks of beethoven, mozart, beatles, elvis presley, michael jackson, christina aguilera, mariah carey, pop, rock & r&b... I hear more details in the highs and mids than I ever heard before from any pair of headphones I\'ve tried...The highs and mids are much less compressed. They are much more \"lively\", \"organic\" and \"smoothly mixed-in\" with they other details of the music. The highs are so much more crisp and the mids are much more clear. The instrument and sound seperation is much more realistic and I can actually feel that the sounds are being naturally mixed together rather than being forcefully compressed together.These headphones do not ever drown out the mids and highs. They are not bass heavy, it\'s just that the bass is very powerful, strong and the bass reproduction is very good.This can be confused as being \"bass heavy\". Bass heavy is when the bias of the bass is drowning out the mids and highs along with the rest of the music. The bass also then tends to be muddy, fake and artificial.Such is NOT the case at all with these headphones. They are extremely well-balanced in sound. They give me no bass when they are not supposed too while giving me the full detials of the mids and highs. But they give me a very realistic and effortless powerful bass when the track has dictated it with no sacrfice made to the mids, highs or other details to the music in the track.The frequency response of these headphones is 5HZ-30KHZ.These headphones have much more wider frequency range than many headphones priced for the same or more money such as Sennheisers, Shure, Audio Technica, Sony, Panasonic & B&W.The incredible low frequency range capability of these headphones can probably explain why the bass reproduction is very powerful in these and can fool proclaimed \"audiophiles\" into thinking that they are just bass heavy which is not true at all. They are simply \"bass talented\" while retaining all they other musical talents of the mids & highs.I have even turned the EQ to FLAT and there was NO DIFFERENCE... You heard that right... I turned the EQ to FLAT and there was NO DIFFERENCE.These headphones are flat, period! They are not bass heavy and putting the EQ on FLAT will not do anything except have them sound the same.The sound quality in these is just completely amazing. I am very impressed and very satisified. The sound stage is very good and very realistic. Bass is powerful yet realistic, mids disgustingly clear and highs are tastefully crisp & completely breathtaking.It sounds like I am exaggerating and/or I am paid by v-moda to post this review... I am not in any compensated by v-moda and/or employed nor affiliated in any way.I am just a customer and I am NOT exaggerating. The sound of these headphones are very good, almost too good especially for the price... I am hearing details I have never heard in my music.Sound leakage is not bad at all and they only way it is going to be noticable is if you turn up the volume loud enough to start damaging your ears. These headphones get VERY loud and you can turn them up very low yet still feel that they are loud.Passive noise cancellation is very very good.The build quality was also a major selling point for me. These are built very well. Very strong and sturdy. The case they come in was very high quality plus protective of damage and the packaging of the box they came in was was very nice too.They came with kevlar reinforced detachable cables which I see probably lasting my entire life.Very comfortable too.I decided to compare these to beats by dre studios, B&W and Bose headphones that I tried at the apple store.The beats felt like a complete joke as soon as I picked them up. Made from cheap delicate toy plastic. I laughed inside and the sound quality was a joke for $300 headphones. Bass completely fake, muddy and over-powering every last detail of the music. The sound felt very compressed as well. Soundstage was a joke and the mids and highs were very pathetic. The v-moda crossfades lp murdered the beats studios.The B&W were EXTREMELY \"treble heavy\" and sound quality was honestly very poor.Bose were not bad but they still couldn\'t match the sound quality of the crossfade lp by a very long shot. Not bad but horrible compared to the v-modas and considering how much more money they cost.Keep in mind ALL these headphones were hooked up to ampilifiers yet were still murdered by the v-moda crossfade lp headphones without any amplification.These headphones truly are very energy efficient yet deilver many times more better performance and loudness than those headphones hooked up to amplifiers.The style of these headphones are also very very fashionable. Much better looking by the beats. Beats are very tacky and dumb looking in my humble opinion. Not that looks are important to me, I use headphones for listening purposes not as a fashion statement but the looks are a plus and I am very much happy that v-moda is not just charging me for the fashionable looks, build quality & marketing but also for the phenomonal sound quality.With a amplifier, I heard that they sound even more disgustingly good than they already are.A solid 10/10. These headphones are a must have, period!PS. Skip the V-moda Crossfade LP2 if you want to save $100. LP2\'s have extremely & very slightly less bass than these as stated by v-moda themselves and that\'s they only difference. Everything else is the same. In other words, there really is no difference. I wouldn\'t mind paying $200 bucks for these but save yourself the money by getting the first edition and skipping the LP2. Just the V-moda Crossfade LP. ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Update:I have had Sennheiser earbuds that lasted for over 5 years. And another pair of 2 years that are still going strong.I decided to try the HD 439 to see what their over-ear full sized headphones could possibly offer me.My first over-the-ear headphones were the V-Moda Crossfade LP.These headphones however have a very much different feel... They are more refined, balanced & relaxing yet also subtly aggressive in their sound signature. Forgive the analogy but these perform like a Mercedes Benz E550 .While the V-Moda Crossfade LP, perform like they are a Ford Mustang GT500 Shelby.Both are excellent cars but in a DIFFERENT way.The V-Moda Crossfade LP\'s for the money offer you extremely high-performance drivers. (50mm 5-30,000 Frequency response compared to Sennheiser HD 439 - 40mm 17-22,500 Frequency response.)Very capable drivers... But the drawback is this: The handling/balance/neutral response in these headphones is not up to par with the extreme performance. In other words, the sound signature is slightly unbalanced. The headphones are EXTREMELY aggressive in their sound signature because the extremely high detail the drivers are able to reproduce in sound tracks is not combined with a equally balanced response in rendering it.A Ford Mustang GT500 Shelby will probably perform just as well as many BMW & Mercedes cars on a circuit race track. But here is the thing: The Mustang is going to dance around the track... The tires will spin off traction, the car will skid on sharp corners and it will basically dance around the road whereas a BMW or Mercedes will just move right through.The same thing I have noticed with the V-Moda Crossfade LP headphones. They are like a mustang. Instead of just moving through the sound... They dance, skid & slide through the sound because the 50mm drivers have way too much performance in proportion to how much the manufacturer put into balancing the response.They V-Moda Crossfade LP\'s are not as a result relaxing, luxury & comfort providing headphones. They are more like \"muscle headphones\" with as much performance capability put into the drivers from a linear/objective perspective in terms of specs. But not performance from a subjective perspective in terms of EXPERIENCE from the specs.When you compare the Mustang according to engine specs to Mercedes. Bang for the buck in terms of engine specs: The Ford Mustang is the winner. But the usability and being able to experience the specs out of a engine... The Mercedes is the winner.The V-Moda Crossfade LP\'s is basically a uncivilized, unrefined and poorly behaved bad boy in it\'s sound signature. It is not a pair of refined headphones, It is a pair of rawly specced headphones. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. It has a very rugged feel and look as well. It is so interesting how similar it is in it\'s attributes to a Ford Mustang in a automobile perspective.I get the details of all the high\'s, mids and lows from the Crossfade. I get the sound stage and the instrument separation. I receive the same driver performance from the V-Moda Crossfade LP that I receive from $300-$400 headphones but I receive the driver performance in a VERY unrefined, aggressive and animalistic manner.From a automobile perspective, it\'s like the headphones have an engine found in high-end exotic super cars but lack the fancy suspension, tires, brakes and electronic stability control technology built in sync with the engine to deliver the full actual experience of the entire spec range.The result? The sound performance feels like it\'s being limited slightly by audio physics. In the V-Moda, I feel that they are extremely high-performance and very capable but it has an unequal proportional ratio of performance to balanced response.V-Moda Crossfade LPs - SLIGHTLY unbalanced sound signature that feels they are being actually limited to their maximum potential because the driver performance and capabilities are too good for the handling in it\'s response.These headphones are generally disliked by audiophiles but keep in mind that most audiophiles are extremely picky over slight unbalances that probably will not irritate the majority of listeners at all.A positive of their unrefined response is this: It makes it very fun, unpredictable, aggressive and enjoyable in terms of a roller coaster type feel.But it comes at a price... It\'s not relaxing & it doesn\'t offer comfort to the ears. It can make your ears tired from all the aggression. Even if the music is soothing like Mozart or Beethoven... You really feel like these headphones hate being tamed and they are ready to blow up with aggression at any chance they get..It\'s like when you want to be chauffeured around... Instead of being in a Mercedes Benz or something similar. You are being chauffeured around in a Ford Mustang GT500 Shelby with 650 HP for god sakes!That\'s where the Sennheiser HD 439 comes in handy.Although the driver performance in the HD 439 is significantly less than the V-Moda Crossfade LP - the balanced response and the experience of allowing you to perceive it\'s driver\'s performance subtly and passively is much much better.It is very relaxing, comfortable and subtle in it\'s performance. But these headphones also have a weird split personality similar to a Mercedes Benz. Although it\'s relaxing, comfortable and subtle in performance.... It has a passive aggressive feel when the sound track is \"demanding\"...Like a high-performance Mercedes with the gas pedal floored... It has shows you all the aggression, power and capability it has but subtly and fully balanced onto the road.These headphones will not dance around with aggression. The simply prove their performance calmly. And performance they have indeed. They prefer being calm and balanced but seem not to hesitate to deliver a subtly passive-aggressive balanced high-performance showcase. Just like a luxury sedan Mercedes Benz E550.This calm subtly balanced high-performance is a breath of fresh relaxing air in luxury when I simply am not in the mood for aggressive high-performance and just would like to rest with music instead of jam with music.The detachable cables are a plus as I see these lasting for a good 20 years. The only con is they don\'t come with a case but no big deal really. Just take good care of them and you can also buy a case yourself.These are very comfortable. They are made from high quality hard plastic. (Plastic doesn\'t automatically mean cheap or low-quality.) The noise isolation is also good as well.Sennheiser HD 439 serve a different purpose and the V-Moda Crossfade LP serve a different purpose. But both come out equal and both are $100 dollars.Please forgive me for comparing headphones to automobiles but I just find it so fascinating how a german audio company can resemble the characteristics of a german automobile company and how a american audio company can resemble the characteristics of a american automobile company.Ford = V-ModaMercedes Benz = SennheiserI feel there is something to it...PS. Beats By Dre (All models) should not be compared to V-Moda Crossfade LP. Beats are like the ricer cars with a overly tuned-up artificial performance and a extremely mediocre engine except they are sold for a Ferrari price tag. V-Moda\'s are like a muscle car with a solid respectable high-performance engine that are at least sold for a proper fair price.
  • The V-Moda Crossfade LP over-the-ear headphones are the result of an over 4-year effort to provide music enthusiasts with quality sound, unbeatable durability and a style all their own.After spending some time with my new set of \"cans,\" I am now able tell you whether or not they were successful in that endeavor.In the past I have used a variety of headphones and ear-buds that were produced by different manufacturers; including Sony, Skullcandy, Bose and JVC. My current pair of ear-buds are great for working out, travel or as the \"utility\" pair that I always have handy in my bag for convenience. I also use a pair of basic Bluetooth headphones for when I want to go wireless while walking the dogs or doing things around the house. Beyond that, there is also my pair of Sony monitor headphones that I used to use while doing sound editing for my podcast.As a MASSIVE (pls see: seriously...massive) music fan that listens to a very diverse range of musical genres, I wanted to get a pair of high-end over-the-ear headphones that I could use everyday, that would also be great at noise isolation while traveling and that would deliver high-fidelity performance that would allow me to hear every note of my beloved music.I had been looking at the Bose QuietComfort® 15 headphones due to the fact that I own a number of Bose systems (i.e. Bose Companion 5 & Bose Soundlink speaker) and have never been disappointed. However, I didn\'t necessarily want to spend $300...not to mention the fact that the QuietComfort is a little lacking in the style department, albeit a great pair of headphones.I purchased my pair of the Crossfade LP headphones through Amazon...which I recommend, as you will get them for a better price than buying directly though the V-Moda website.--Looks Matter--These headphones are stylish as hell. Period.They come in an assortment of colors and customizable metal shields, but I chose to go with the Gunmetal version (pictured). The white ones look too much like Beats by Dre (which I think are overpriced for the quality of sound that you get) and the Chrome was a little too flashy. The Gunmetal was juuuuuust right and better suits my personal style the most.Also, on more than one occasion I have been stopped and asked about them.Beyond that, there is a nice combination of metal and matte finish...coupled with leather, steel and memory foam (cups & headband).--What\'s in the Box?--Other than arriving in very cool packaging - including a metal lid snap and a faux crocodile handle (a nice touch) - you will also receive:* A stylish / hard exoskeleton storage & carrying case to hold, protect and transport your headphones* Two tangle-resistant Kevlar-braided cables. One is a standard headphone cord (thicker & slightly longer), while the other cable doubles as a headphone & headset cord for Apple devices, including a microphone and remote control.I tested the smartphone cable on my Galaxy Nexus and the remote on the cord did not answer calls (seems to only work on Apple devices). However the mic and headset works fine if you answer calls directly from your phone. Callers said that I sounded perfectly clear and that they could understand me just fine.* A microfiber cloth to wipe away any pesky and unsightly fingerprints that may find their way onto the shiny metal shields* Gold-plated plug tips to help ensure a good connection between your audio source and the headphones* A 1/4 jack adapter, for those who may need or want to plug their headphones into a larger stereo receiver or DJ mixer* A free carabiner. Due to the bulky nature of the carrying case, this can be used to affix your headphones to the outside of a messenger / carry-on / book bag etc.--Durability & Build--According to V-Moda\'s website, the Crossfade LP\'s offer \"military-grade durability.\" I have found this statement to be true in the sense that there is nothing about the build quality that screams \"cheap\" or \"fragile.\" Many headphones will feel light and flimsy (i.e. all plastic), or that a bend in the wrong direction will simply snap them in half. Thanks to the metal that has been incorporated into the design, the Crossfade\'s have a very nice weight to them, while still feeling light enough in terms of wearability and comfort.Connecting the headband to the ear cups are bands of rigid steel. The headband itself is an ergonomic steelflex material that can be twisted and laid flat a number of times (although, I don\'t recommend it!) before you could reasonably expect any damage to occur.V-Moda also offers a 2-year warranty, in addition to an \"Immortal Life Program\" in which they will replace any broken headphones (of the same model) for 50% off the price, or a heavy discount on a newer model. To me this clearly states, \"We stand behind our products,\" which I greatly appreciate.Also, thanks to the fact that the cords are detachable, you will no longer have to worry about buying an entirely new pair of headphones simply because a cord wears out, gets frayed or damaged. I especially like this, as I am not a fan of the \"Y\" shaped headphone cords that connect to both earpieces. As an added bonus, the cables can double as a AUX cord...for instance, if you want to connect your phone or iPod directly to your car stereo.Another feature design that I really like, is the fact that each cable has a plug - the one that would connect to your source device - that is at a 45-degree angle. Anyone who has ever had their cord ripped out simply by catching it on something, will really appreciate this `feature,\' which is intended to prevent accidentally yank outs.Additionally, you can order any part that you may need through V-Moda...including new cords or even the 50mm drivers, should you need / want to replace them for whatever reason.--Comfort--The earpads on the headphones are surrounded by a very soft leather-wrapped memory foam, as is the interior of the headband. At first I was a little concerned, as they initially felt tight and slightly uncomfortable after about an hour of wear. However, this began to disappear considerably after wearing them for a few days - thanks to the headband being very flexible - and the headphones began to stretch and mold to fit my head better, in addition to the memory foam. Now, they are extremely comfortable and I barely notice that I am wearing them; therefore be sure to allow a few days for them to `adjust\' to the shape of your head and I\'m confident that you will experience the same improvement in comfort as I did.I also found that the noise isolation was very good, due to the fact that the earpads actually rest against your head and not against your ears. This full coverage contributes greatly to the sound isolating properties of the headphones, not to mention the sound quality of the music that you listen to, as your ears are fully encased and surrounded by the soft memory foam pads.Notice that I say noise \"isolating\" and not \"cancelling.\" The Crossfade LP\'s are not a powered device (like the Bose QuietComfort 15), therefore they do not require a battery or emit a noise canceling wave to block out all ambient sounds. I have found that the noise isolation is quite good and does an admirable job of blocking out most surrounding sounds to a dull murmur at best. I have not had a chance to use them on a plane yet (the real test, in my book), but from my experience so far, I am not expecting it to be an issue. So, if you travel by bus, plane or subway, I feel confident in saying that ambient noise should not be an issue at all with these headphones.As I mentioned previously, the use of metal and steel adds a nice weight to these `cans\' (they feel like high-end headphones), but I do not think that they affect comfort at all. Again, after wearing them for a few days, they are now very comfortable and I have gone for hours on end without taking them off...ear-sweat notwithstanding. ;)--\"Yeah, But How Do They SOUND?\"--According to V-Moda, they spent four years working with world-renowned DJ\'s to develop and engineer the CrossFade LP\'s. Was the time and money well spent?When I first received the headphones and plugged them in, I was very impressed by the sound on some tracks...and not so much by others. It appears that the headphones (and their impressive 50mm Dual-Diaphragm Drivers) were originally developed for fans of hip-hop, R & B, dance music and techno, due to what appeared to be a very bass heavy sound. Mind you, I like a nice solid bass response in my music, but the mids also sounded a little muddy and the highs had a slight echo...therefore I was not initially blown away.However, there is a process called \"burning in\" for a new pair of higher-end headphones. The theory behind breaking in a speaker is that they come from the factory a little stiff. The surrounds need to be stretched and exercised. The best way to do this is to burn them in by playing roughly 24 hours worth of music through them at a normal volume. Some speakers require this, while others do not.Since I had heard that others had experienced the same problem, I set to burning in my pair. One Day 1, I listened to roughly 5 hours of music in my office. Later that evening, I plugged them into my laptop, launched Spotify and left it continuously playing through the night into the morning. The difference in sound was nothing short of amazing!After properly burning them in, I could very easily tell the difference between how they sounded out of the box and how they sounded once I had a chance to break them in. The bass was nice and smooth, the mids were very warm and the treble was clean. Also, regardless of musical genre, the headphones sounded wonderful across the board using a flat response (i.e. no EQ).Therefore, if you decide to pick up a pair, I highly recommend (Nay, require) that you properly burn them in before making an judgement on their sound. Once I did, I heard parts of my favorite songs that I didn\'t even know existed! The sound difference coming through the headphones was just incredible, trust me on this.Primarily I am an `alt rock\' guy: Phoenix, Silversun Pickups, Vampire Weekend, The Black Keys, Cold War Kids, Young the Giant etc. But I also listen to a lot of jazz, some hop-hop, classical, hard rock and more. However - thanks to burning in the headphones - it didn\'t matter if it was Thelonius Monk, The Lumineers, Tool, Bach, Beethoven, Jay-Z or Tribe Called Quest...all of them sounded stellar through these cans.Bottom Line: The Crossfade LP\'s were absolutely worth the money that I spent and I would recommend them to anyone who is interested in picking up a pair of quality over-the-ear headphones at a decent price. They are great for music, gaming, movies and/or drowning out annoying relatives & co-workers. ;)At launch a couple of years ago they sold for $249. Later they dropped to $199. Currently they can be found online for about $120, due to the fact that a newer version has been released recently. I picked mine up from Amazon for $79, thanks to it being their `Deal of the Day\' - an absolute no-brainer at that price - and a 1/4 of what I would have spent for the Bose QuietComfort 15.--A Quick Note About Power--When it comes to headphones like this, a lot of people do not realize that they were not necessarily intended to be used with under-powered devices such as cell phones and iPods...there is just not enough juice in these devices to push high-end headphones to their full potential. Therefore, please note that the source device you use - whether a laptop, desktop, receiver or smartphone - is going to be the most important factor in how your headphones perform.For instance, my $3000 laptop (apparently) has a crappy sound card, because my other $500 laptop plays music so loudly and well through these headphones that I practically blow my face off. My Galaxy Nexus plays music just fine, but the use of an equalizer makes a BIG difference in the sound...same goes for the difference between the quality of streaming music (i.e. Spotify, Pandora) versus that of higher quality music files that might be saved directly on my phone.An easy remedy to ensure that you are getting the best out of your headphones, is the use of a portable headphone amplifier. There are ones that you can pick up for over $100, but I recommend the much cheaper Fiio E6 or E11Now, for simply listening at work, going for a walk or hitting the gym, you don\'t really need to use a portable amp. But if you are going to be in a noisy environment, on a plane or perhaps you just want to provide cleaner and more powerful audio to your headphones so that you can take better advantage of what they are capable of, then I recommend picking one up. The E6 (pictured) and the E11 are rechargeable and you will definitely notice a difference in sound.My CrossFade LP\'s are plenty loud for most everyday situations and portable devices; but I when I am traveling I prefer to completely block out airplane noise...and other passengers for that matter. Since an amp is an extra device that you are attaching to your smartphone / iPod, it\'s a little easier to manage when you are going to be sitting for a bit. However, they do come with a clip and there are a variety of accessories that you can use to attach it to your device to make using one while on-the-go a lot less cumbersome.

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